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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


what is love?
why love can be so deep to some while some others think it is just merely a feeling?
after the case of the guy jumped off from the building because of breakup
it makes me wonder
love can be so dangerous
but why people still want to go for it?
i saw posts that scolding him or saying him stupid
i understand what is the guy felt at that time
when he/she really sad, he/she really couldn't sees any light in front of him/her
i am not trying to say what is right nor what is wrong
psychology taught me a lot things
one of it is to empathize others
 i do think that what he did is stupid
but in his perspective, he just couldn't think right at that moment
sometimes people just do things that unexpectedly
why would he do it?
maybe he really loves the gal, or maybe he really too sad, or maybe other factors
but, we never know the answer coz he is not here to tell us
when people asked me about opinion in this matter
i am not agreeing on what has he done nor not really think that should blame him for his stupidity
when you love someone, you just hoping that you can be with him/her forever
wanting to spend every moments with him/her
wanting to have future with him/her
someone told me that i will do that (suicide) too if i have the same outcome like that guy 
will i?
it is funny to look at my thoughts
i mean answering back the question
long long time ago (i am not that old, just wanna prescribe how long it was only), suicide are stupid and selfish act
then, long time ago (which past these few years), suicide is not something bad
and now i am not thinking bout suicide coz i don't think life should be ended that way
and i promised that i won't do that
maybe a little bit of self hurting
maybe i will just hurt myself by drinking alcohol or might go crazy for months or years
but i guess (i hope) i will stand up from it
in a relationship
i think the most important factor is that communication
don't hold anything to yourself
just talk to him/her
everything can be worked it out =)

i wanted to share something bout myself
i never able to share because i always felt that i shouldn't share coz it is not appropriate to share out
and also it is being a long long time since i didn't tell anyone bout things, it is not easy for me to start
i wanted to say that i am those type of persons that depend on others
when i love someone
i depend on that person
i can't take it when promise didn't fulfill, i am easily jealous, i can lock that person in a cage like a bird without its wing, i can be moody
p.s: just share for fun... =)

:x: boy factor :x:

looking at four walls in the house
its make me think a lot
a lot of negative things
sometimes, i could be that cheerful boy
sometimes, i could be very very emo boy
these few days
went back to my secondary school nearby restaurant
i remember
i always spent my times there during my secondary school
my friends and i were always went there for lunch
there is an uncle who always called me boy
that uncle called me boy again
it felt so nice and young
ok ok
i admit i am not young anymore
but it's fun to hear that someone called us boy or girl